LeBlog Miami

Contact Information

LeBlog Miami

  • (+55-11) 9-9939-9481

A Patricia criou o LeBlog em 2010 especialmente pra quem busca dicas de viagens, gastronomia, lifestyle, moda, beleza e pontos de charme pelo mundo. Hoje, dedica seu tempo integralmente para descobrir o mundo, visitar novos lugares e compartilhar todas as suas dicas e experiências aqui e em suas redes sociais.

LeBlog Miami is an International Affiliate of Elite International Realty, real estate sales are accomplished on a referral basis between the affiliate and Elite International.

As an International Affiliate of Elite International Realty, we have access to exclusive properties, local informational and market updates.

Thank you for visiting our website.





















    20764 W Dixie Hwy

    Aventura, FL 33180

    United States

    Office: (305) 940-6611

    Fax: (305) 940-6615
